Whether you are a professional sportsman or someone who enjoys hiking and camping every once in a while, outdoor clothing is a must-have to ease your activity. Nowadays you will find many brands out there focusing on everything outdoors. The North Face is not an exception. The North Face is a renowned American performance outdoor gear brand and a big name in the outdoor industry. In this article, we have put forth about The North Face Jacket and if the North Face is a worthy investment for you.
A small mountaineering retail store that two hiking enthusiasts founded in 1966 later became a well-established brand, what we now know as “The North Face.” With a mantra that says “Never Stop Exploring™,” The North Face was created from the “Love for adventure and passion for the great outdoors.” Its name was derived from the coldest, most unforgiving side of any mountain in the northern hemisphere, a place full of adventure, natural wildlands, and a desire for passionate exploration. It has been in the industry for quite a long time with over 50 years of exploration and innovation.
What Does It Make:
Well, since its inception, The North Face has been relentlessly continuing to shape the outdoor market through product, expedition, and athlete achievements. They research and develop technologies based on the feedback of world-class adventurers and endurance athletes. It has two game-changing product lines named: – Thermoball and Fuseform. However, the brand has an innovative collection of performance apparel, equipment like fleece, rainwear, bottoms, accessories, and footwear like- trekking and trail-running shoes. All the gear from this brand is designed to provide rock climbers, backpackers, hikers, trail runners, and outdoor enthusiasts with the ultimate fit and functionality. However, the most popular and sought-after gear is their jackets.
The North Face Jackets:
The North Face jackets are great and excellent for chilly winter sports, rainy days, and hiking for many purposes. These jackets are lightweight, padded, insulated, and they also make tri-climate jackets. They revolutionized their jackets with Primaloft®, Thermoball, and Fuseform synthetic insulation that mimics the down’s ability to trap heat without the downside of losing its abilities when wet. They also make high-quality fleece to wear under parkas on frigid winter days.
So, Is The North Face a Worthy Investment?
Here comes the burning question. Should you buy The North Face Jacket? Well, you can answer this question with so many perspectives. Think about it- what do you actually demand from an outdoor brand this big? Is it their environmentally ethical clothing and clothing practices? Is it the price? Is it the quality? Or is it just the brand value? Or maybe everything?! Well, clearly, this is not a very straightforward question to answer.
Let’s look at some facts about this company. We already know The North Face is a big name. But it was not so big. It started as a small mountaineering retail store, and after almost 55 years, it transformed into a more than two billion dollar publicly traded corporation. This means they always tend to hunt for profit- which is not bad. But, what about staying true to their Mantra that says “Never Stop Exploring™”? Are they still staying true to their root? Well, this is not entirely untrue, but there’s something they focus more on.
They never seem to be the leader in terms of practicing sustainability. Instead, they are always trying to push their boundaries to make a profit and make this company bigger, unlike Patagonia and Fjallraven, which are always vocal about environmentalism and ethics. But The North Face’s environmental practices are improving gradually. So, if you are someone moved by the ethical and moral practices of a brand, there might be so many other top-notch quality brands out there for your liking.
But if you think about the pricing and quality together, The North Face is a reliable brand for sure! And this brand provides an extensive product range for every type of consumer, with everything necessary for any outdoor activity so that no one has to go from brand to brand for different products. Besides, The North Face jackets provide some of the best insulating options you will find in the market.
Of course, it all depends on how you are thinking. But all in all, The North Face products, especially their jackets and cycling face warmers for winter, are excellent if you want to make it an investment for yourself. Very few brands will compare to The North Face regarding overall quality, durability, and product versatility. And with The North Face, you will exactly get what you pay for!
The Bottom Line
Whether you stay up North or just merely looking for a jacket that withstands moderate cold, The North Face jackets got you covered with some of their finest insulating products you will find. Well, that was all to provide you about The North Face Jacket and Is The North Face A Worthy Investment? We hope this content could help you make an informed purchase before heading out with your nuts and bolts to the outdoors.
William Arrovo seeks thrills and laughter in everything he comes across. He is a fun loving person with a zest of exploring the breathtaking places around the globe. He feels content in sharing his experiences of travelling to various countries. He is grateful about enriching himself with a myriad of cultures and rejuvenating his soul while staying outdoors.
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